Stupidity and The Toothpaste

I just blinded myself for a minute, maybe two!

I was in agony, writhing round, there was nothing I could do!

Throwing water in any direction, longing for it to hit my eye.

Swooshing water any which way – 30 seconds had gone by!


Thinking, ‘O my goodness! I may be blind! I may be blind!’

I nearly shouted for me Mam. “Mam, help!” I nearly cried.

But I thought, ‘No don’t be ridiculous, don’t be silly, don’t be daft.

It must be temporary blindness. I can’t have lost my sight,’ I laughed.


So I persevere, throw more water in the direction of my eye,

And hastily use my finger as my eye begins to cry!

Feeling round for anything that should not be in such a place,

I glide, I jab, I stroke, I tease, as tears trickle down my face….


Yet nothing makes a difference. I’m in such a lot of pain.

I’m blinking like I’ve a World Record to try for and to gain.

This is it for me, it matters not that I’m not deaf;

I shall never be allowed to join the RAF….


As it happens, that dreadful minute of my life is now through.

My eye still watering as if chopping onions, certainly it’s true.

So I’ll still be allowed to soar, to glide, to fly that fighter plane.

Who knows, the RAF may be awed by the way I flick toothpaste with such aim!

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