A Lovely Little Game at Christmas Time

It was a sweet start to Christmas Day,

Warm wishes passed round and Santa came to play.

The turkey roasted beautifully, glistening and brown,

Happily the family ate, wearing paper crowns.

After, the obligatory post-food Christmas slump,

Feeling quite contented, if not a little plump.

But hold your horses… Christmas is never quite the same,

Until someone calls it… Yes! It’s time for a family game!

AND BAM! Just like that, all love has vanished,

Politeness, manners, niceties – all of these are banished.

Great Aunty Sue – always so calm and in control,

Has turned bright red, shows us the devil in her soul.

And as for Uncle Bob, who usually silently just sits,

He’s now screaming at his team mates, “You great bunch of twits!”

Neighbour Anne popped round. She always seemed so nice,

But apparently she’s a demon when given a set of dice.

I tell you though, the worst of all is Grandma in her chair,

She’s disowned her son, smashed her Zimmer and pulled out chunks of hair!